SGA Welcome Beach Party, Fall 2018
The Student Government Association(SGA) of International American University hosted its Beach Party event to extend a cordial welcome to the new students of Fall 2018 as well as the returning students from Spring break. he fun filled event was held at Sandy Beach, Vieux Fort on Saturday 22nd of September, 2018. The event presented itself […]
IAU Welcomes Fall 2018 Class Student Orientation
International American University College of Medicine hosted its Fall 2018 New Student Orientation on September 3rd & 4th at the campus in Vieux Fort, St. Lucia. Professor and Dean of Basic Sciences, Dr. James Villanueva conducted the event and welcomed all of the students, parents & guest who were in attendance. Dr. Villanueva led the […]
The SGA executive led by our amiable president, Ama Achiamah, gave a much-needed break from studies as they organised this semester “Multicultural Event” for all students, faculty and staff. The multicultural event which was held on Saturday, July 21st, 2018, was a huge success jam packed with lots of fun, laughter, socializing, entertainment and fashion […]
Should Animals be Used for Medical Research? Debate Hosted By Pre-Med Students
The afternoon session of July 5th 2018 was entertained by a healthy debate on the topic ‘Should animals be used for research’, amongst the Pre Med students of IAU. The debate teams included the students from Pre Med 1, who stood against the topic under debate and the students from Pre Med 2 who stood […]
IAU Celebrated 10 Years of blood Donation drives on World Blood Donor Day
As someone once said, ‘If you are a blood donor, you are a hero to someone, somewhere, who received your gracious gift of life’ We all have too much to offer in life. It’s entirely up to us to choose whether to or not to give our precious resource for which we need no extra […]
Water Fair and Hypertension Awareness Activity Hosted at the IAU Student Run Community Clinic
In observation of the hypertension month this May set by the International Hypertension Organization, the IAU College of Medicine in cooperation with the St. Lucia Diabetes and Hypertension Association (SLDHA). It entails the distribution of water and disseminating educational literature on hypertension with the emphasis on the benefits of drinking water. The event promotes public […]
IAU host Mega Blood Donation Drive on Thursday,14th June 2018
World Blood Donor Day is designed to raise awareness about the need for safe blood donations and thank volunteers for their donations. True to its commitment to the community of St. Lucia and in observation of World Blood Donor Day, International American University, in association with St. Jude Hospital Blood Bank Services and Victoria Hospital […]
Orientation for the New Students, Summer 2018
International American University conducted its summer 2018 new student ordination on 7th of May 2018 at campus in Vieux Fort. All the new students and many of their family members attended the event. Dr. Patrick Gannon, Chief Academic Officer presented the welcome remarks to the new students and their families. “I am very excited about this […]
International American University holds 2018 Commencement Ceremony in Dallas, Texas
International American University College of Medicine will host its 2018 Commencement Ceremony on May 12, 2018 at 2.00 PM CST. The ceremony will take place at the Renaissance Dallas located in Addison, Texas, which is home to IAU’s Office of the Board of Trustees, President, Registrar and Executive Management They Key note speaker for the […]
Primary Care Update on Infectious Disease, Hypertension, and Diabetes Symposium
IAU hosted many educational events in March for students, faculty, and the St. Lucian community such as the Primary Care Update on Infectious Disease, Hypertension, and Diabetes symposium on March 13th-15th. Students, faculty, and healthcare professionals from the St. Lucian community were invited to learn more about diabetes, hypertension, HIV, and other infectious diseases in […]