Airport Pick Up Services
Students are offered an airport pickup service during their first time arrival to St. Lucia. Students are greeted by current members of SGA (Student Government Association) and one coordinator from the Office of Student Services.
Student housing will be pre-arranged prior to student arrival on the island. Student Services Office will coordinate with the incoming students in regards to their housing selection.
Grocery Shopping
Students will be taken to the grocery store for shopping when they first arrive to the island. Students are given time to get all purchases required to get settled in to their new home.
University Shuttle Services
All students at IAUCOM are offered the University transportation service daily at a cost of $160 per semester. The shuttle service is available for a pick-up and drop-off from the students residence to campus and campus back to residence.
Orientation & Registration
Every semester will begin with a mandatory new student orientation. New students will have the opportunity to meet with the University Deans, Faculty, Administration, banking officers and public safety officers during this orientation. Students’ families are welcome to attend the orientation.
Communication Services
Students will be taken to the local mobile service provider after settling on the island. New incoming students will be able to select suitable phone plans at that time. The Student Services Office will have sim cards available for purchase, for those who wish to contact their families upon arrival.
Fire & Safety Services
Officers from both the Police and Fire Departments will attend the new Student orientation. They will provide all information in regards to island safety and procedures in case of an emergency.
Bank Account Services
Student services will provide an orientation for students a banking officer and provide all student documentation to open a local bank account.
Study Tips Seminar
Student Services Office will arrange a “How to Study in Medical School” Seminar by IAUCOM professors during Orientation Week. Similar seminars are given throughout the course of studies.
CPR Training
Student Services will arrange a Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training (CPR) for all new students prior to attending clinics and seeing patients.
White Coat Ceremony
White Coat Ceremony marks the entry of a student career into the medical profession. Students will participate in this ceremony upon entering MS2 of the MD Program. During this ceremony students will recite the Hippocratic Oath for the first time and spend an evening with inspirational speakers to motivate students before they start their medical careers.
USMLE Preparation Seminar
The Office of Graduate & Alumni Affairs arranges “How to Prepare for My USMLE Step 1” seminars for MS 4-5 students on campus, with the assistance of an alumni who has successfully graduated and obtained a Residency Position. Students get the opportunity to ask questions to one of their own and hear their experiences for the road ahead.
Introduction to Clerkships Seminar
The Office of Clinical Affairs arranges “What to Expect in Clinical Science” seminars for MS 4-5 Students on Campus.
Residency Seminar
The Office of Graduate & Alumni Affairs arranges a teaching session on the “Step- by Step” Process of the NRMP Residency Match for all Medical Students on Campus. This session gives emphasis on the importance of planning for their future success in the MATCH Process and the importance of Clinical Rotations.
Campus Visa Assistance
Student Services Office will assist in the student visa and visa renewals process whie on campus in St. Lucia.
Housing Assistance
Student housing will be pre-arranged prior to student arrival on the island. Student Services Office will coordinate with the incoming students in regards to their housing selection.
Wellness Counseling Services
Student Services Office on campus offers wellness counseling for enrolled student who require these. Appointments for these services can be coordinated by the Student Services on Campus.
Health Care Assistance Services
Student Services Office on campus will assists students who have fallen ill or require hospital care. If a student requires hospital care a representative from the Student Services will accompany the student to the hospital.
Accident & Emergency Support Services
Student Services Office on campus offers support for students in the case of an emergency. All weather related emergency response procedures are available at the Student Services on Campus. In the case of emergency students will receive an email and text about how to handle emergency situation at hand.