University to offer ICT training and certification to Saint Lucia residents.
VIEUX FORT, St. Lucia —The Caribbean Communications Infrastructure Program (CARCIP), an initiative of the Ministry of Public Service, Information and Broadcasting and in conjunction with International American University, will host an ICT Skills Development Program.
Beginning February 1, the five-month program is geared toward residents and students of Saint Lucia, ages 17-35 and is designed to increase employment, productivity and improve social inclusion.
CARCIP is aimed at increasing access to regional broadband networks advancing the development of an ICT-enabled services industry in the Caribbean and to achieve Saint Lucia’s vision of economic diversification, increased employment, growth, competitiveness and product, making the Caribbean region a formidable destination for IT and IT-enabled services.
“Our goal is to raise awareness of technology learning,” said Ron Henson, program coordinator. We foster an environment conducive to economic, diversified and sustained growth through the programs offered by IAU.”
During the five-month program, trainees will receive four months of technical training (minimum of three hours a week) which will be followed by a two-week soft skills training prior to the commencement of a one-month traineeship.
The training has three phases: soft skills and professional training, course training in one of database management, ICT, network security, multimedia, systems design and end point maintenance, the third being certification and on the job training for one month.
Those eligible for the program must be unemployed and out of school, be a St. Lucia national or permanent resident, between the age of 17-35, holders of a minimum of three 3 CXC passes, meet the specific course requirements as outlined by the training provider. “This program is integral to the growth and development of the ICT sector,” said Cindy Peterson, CARCIP’s business incubator and training grant manager.
IAU will offer certification in the following areas: database management, systems analysis and design, endpoint maintenance and repair, the Internet, cyber and network security, multimedia production and information communication technology. Other IAU program coordinators are Dr. James Villanueva and Dr. Peter Jean Paul.