“What a fantastic turn out of students! ” raved Dr. Rasheed, Dean of Student Affairs.
Students enjoyed the cool breeze on Sandy Beach at the semester Welcome Beach Party on Saturday, September 16, 2017 held by Student Government Association (SGA) of International American University College of Medicine. The music, the laughter, the good food and BBQ, was a refreshing way for all students and faculty to break loose and enjoy after the first week of classes. Students enjoyed all the fun beach activities with the volleyball matches & the traditional tug of war among different classes!
“I am so happy I joined the IAU Family, this island is beautiful, and the students are such a pleasure to teach.” says Dr. Vadlamani, Anatomy Professor, after winning the faculty vs. students Volleyball Match.
The event was indeed a success and was a great opportunity for the entire IAU Family to connect with the pleasure of good food and fun activities. Click here to view more pictures