As our students continue to gain valuable hands on experience, the free student-run clinic welcomed once again the residents of Vieux Fort. About 82 patients were seen on March 18, 2017. A key component of IAUCOM’s clinical experience is having students visit Community Clinics (with licensed physicians) and practice the clinical skills learned in Basic Sciences. Further, students present these patients to their peers in the Initial Clinical Experience (ICE) and Advanced Clinical Experience (ACE), much as they are required to do regularly in their Clerkship rotations.
A Public health Screening Center (PHSC) is run bi-weekly to allow the health of walk-in patients (30-60) to be evaluated by medical students with faculty supervision. In this setting, senior students advise junior peers how to assess patients used the (ACE level) clinical skills they have achieved.
We are very proud of our students! Not only did they gain valuable clinical experience but also give back to the Saint Lucian community.
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