The IAU Indian Students Association (ISA) hosted a Diwali Night on campus on Saturday Nov. 4th, 2017. The President of ISA, Veeraen Jonnalagadda welcomed everyone to Diwali Night and highlighted the significance of the occasion. Known as the “Festival of Lights”, Diwali is a Hindu festival consisting of prayer, reflection, unity, and celebration. It signifies the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, knowledge over ignorance, and hope over despair. This day is ultimately dedicated to celebrating prosperity and happiness with family & friends.
Indian activist Mr. Somen Debnath was the guest speaker for the event. He is currently on a mission to promote awareness about HIV/AIDS by traveling around the world on a bicycle. His journey began in 2004 and he has visited 126 countries since. His story provided a source of inspiration for the guests, and Mr. Debnath was elated to be part of the celebration, emphasizing that “we need to support those who are affected and try to be helpful to the individuals who are affected, showing human values and caring for others.”
The evening was full of festive decor, candles, games, dancing, food, and music followed by closing statements by Dr. Rasheed. IAU thanks all those who made Diwali Night 2017 a successful event!