It’s the start of the new year, only two weeks in and yet you’re tired of hearing the same question, “Are you sticking to your new year’s resolutions?” Instead of repeating the same answer over and over again, tell everyone you’re taking the IAU advantage.

At International American University, we understand that certain life events and factors can keep you from applying to an MD program. Whether it is a financial issue or just bad timing, the IAU advantage has you covered. Our MD program provides students with the passion and desire to practice medicine a holistic approach to admissions. Our program provides unique, hands-on training through our state-of-the-art facilities and wealth of faculty knowledge. Don’t forget that qualified students are eligible to borrow up to 100% of the program’s cost. So, next time you’re asked if you’re sticking to your new year’s resolution, let them know you’re taking the IAU advantage.

For more about the admissions process, check out or contact our offices at +1 (972) 484-9700 or email